October 21, 2015

Morpho-physicochemical characterization of Kartiksail rice(Oryza sativa L.) land races of Bangladesh - IJAAR

Mir Sharf Uddin Ahmed1*, Shahnaz Parveen1, Mohammed Khalequzzaman1, A.K.M

  1. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh
  2. Dept. of Genetics and Plant Breeding, BAU, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh

Twenty one land races of Kartiksail rice of Bangladesh were studied at Bangladesh Rice Research Institute during T.Aman2011.The analysis of variance of 37 morpho-physicochemical characters showed highly significant differences among the land races. The mean performances showed that wide range of variations among the genotypes was existed and there was no duplicate genotype.

The seedling height varied from 53.24 (KS15) to 82.93 cm (KS1), culm height from 80.80 (KS15) to 117.0 cm (KS6), straw yield per hill from 12.34 (KS3) to 34.39 g (KS14), panicle length from 19.81 (KS13) to 27.04 cm (KS5), secondary branch number from 15.67 (KS13) to 49.0 (KS5), grain length from 44 (KS16) to 10.6 mm (KS19), 1000-grain weight from 16.52 g (KS16) to 30.06 g (KS13), protein content from 6.6% (KS10) to 10% (KS20), grain yield per panicle 1.58 (KS15) to 3.82 g (KS1) and grain yield per hill from 16.83 (KS17) to 29.84 g (KS19), respectively. Besides, high GCV and h2 b together with high GAPM were observed in secondary branch number, LB ratio, seedling height, 1000-grain weight, protein content etc. suggested that selection may be effective for these characters in segregating generations.The correlation between different characters indicated that the higher the PBN, APBL, SBN and SBFGW possessed greater PL and PGY and these characters emerged as most important associates of grain yield in rice. Finally, the identified traditional rice germplasmof the present study can offer a valuable gene reservoir which needs to be characterized as well as mapping the QTL using molecular tools for validating useful genes.

Journal Name: International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR)

Publication Name: International Network For Natural Sciences (INNSPUB)