December 10, 2013

Chemical composition of essential oil compounds from the callus of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Miller.)

"Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Miller.), a herbaceous, perennial and aromatic from Apiaceae family, which is used for pharmaceutical, food, health and cosmatic are cultivated in different parts of Iran and much of the world. In this study, the amount of trans-anethole in callus gained from tissue culture of fennel six belonging to different regions of Iran and Turkey have been compared. Tissue culture is a randomized trial. Factor of evaluating in the first node (hypocotyl) has been as explants and hormonal composition of 2,4-D+Kinetin and...

December 8, 2013

Comparative effects of different organic manure on agronomic performances of Corchorus olitorus in rainforest agroecological zone of South Western Nigeria

"Low  soil  fertility  is  one  of  the  main  factors  for  the  low  productivity  of  vegetables  in  Nigeria.  The  effect  of different  organic  manures  on  the  agronomic  performance  of Corchorus  olitorus  was  carried  out  in  a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) at the Teaching, Commercial and Research Farms of Rufus Giwa Polytechnic,  Owo,  Ondo ...

IJAAR November 2013 |

Volume 3, Number 11, November 2013Chemical composition of essential oil compounds from the callus of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Miller.) Ehsaneh Khodadadi, Saeed Aharizad, Seyed Abolghasem Mohammadi, Ehsan khodadadi, Mortaza Kosarinasab, Mohsen Sabzi Int. J. Agr. Agri. Res. 3(11), 1-6. (Full Text)Assessment of water quality of drains from irrigation district in a semiarid agricultural zone Dioselina Alvarez-Bernal, Salvador Ochoa-Estrada, Miriam Arroyo-Damian, Héctor Rene Buelna-Osben, Rodrigo Moncayo-Estrada, Miguel Mora Int....

December 5, 2013

Current Issue | JBES | |

Volume 3, Number 11, November 2013 Phylogenetic study some of Crataegus L. (Rosaceae, Pyreae) Species in Iran Fariba Sharifnia, Nasim Seyedipour, Iraj Mehregan, Fahimeh Salimpour J. Bio. Env. Sci. 3(11), 1-11. (Full Text) Culturable gut micro biota of marine wood boring invertebrates Dicyathifer manni (wright, 1866), Sphaeroma terebrans (Bate, 1866) and Cirolana sp. M. Bosire Carren, Ochanda James, Abubakar Leila, O. Bosire Jared J. Bio. Env. Sci. 3(11), 12-20. (Full Text) Assessment of the relationship between land use land...

December 2, 2013

Current Issue | IJB | |

Volume 3, Number 11, November 2013 Testing the modeling capability of ORYZA2000 under nitrogen limit conditions in Northern Iran  M. Tayefe, E.Amiri, A. Nasrollahzade, S.A.Hashemi Int. J. Biosci. 3(11), 1-7. (Full Text) doi:  Late planting heat stress on ear growth physiology of wheat  Tapos Kumar Roy, Md. Hafizur Rahman Hafiz, Md. Robiul Islam, Md. Abu Hasan, Md. Nurealam Siddiqui Int. J. Biosci. 3(11), 8-19. (Full Text) doi:  Monthly...

IJAAR September 2013 |

Volume 3, Number 9, September 2013 Tests of propagation of Pseudospondias microcarpa A. Rich. under the climatic conditions of Franceville in the southeastern of Gabon Pamphile Nguema Ndoutoumou, Paul Ondo Ovono, Alain Serges Ondo-Azi, Audrey Wilson Ignanga Ignanga, Antoine Mitte Mbeang Beyeme Int. J. Agr. Agri. Res. 3(9), 1-11. (Full Text) Evaluation of farm yard manure and some selected pre-emergence herbicides on the growth and yield of cotton in Samaru- Zaria, Nigeria B. A. Mahmoud,...

December 1, 2013

Monthly Archives: May 2013

Volume 3, Number 3, May 2013 Phytochemical composition and antiradical activity of Sakersia africana Hook. f. medicinal plant from Gabon Gontran Nsi Akoué, Louis-Clément Obame, Joseph Privat Ondo, Ibrahim Brama, Elvis Simplice Otogo N’Nang, Skitt Yvan Tapoyo, Alain Souza Int. J. Biomol. Biomed. 3(3), 1-8. (Full Text) Level of knowledge, attitude and practice by food outlet operators in Raub, Pahang morning market regarding the usage of repeatedly heated cooking oil- A cross sectional study Manoharan Sivananthan, Manoharan Elamaran,...