October 7, 2019

Evaluation of phenolic content of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in association to bean fly (Ophiomyia spp.) infestation | IJAAR-Vol-14-No-3-p-9-13

By: Gaudencia J. Kiptoo, Miriam G. Kinyua, Oliver K. Kiplagat
english language editing
"" IJAAR welcome all of you to submit your research paper for publication in the field of Agriculture, Agronomy, Horticulture etc. Please submit your manuscripts via Online submission panel.""
english language editing
Common bean is the most important pulse crop in Kenya, though small scale farmers have limited access to pest resistant seeds. This has therefore made common bean yields remain below 1000kgha-1, while the potential is 2000kgha-1. However phenolics are secondary metabolites present in plants and this could be an attribute contributing to common beans resistance to bean fly infestation.
The objective of this study was to devise effective ways of managing bean fly by use of phenolic content present in commercial varieties of common beans. This was achieved by determining the total phenol content of the beans. The bean varieties were; KK 8, Tasha, KK 15 (Resistant check), Chelalang, Wairimu dwarf, Ciankui, GLP 585, Miezi mbili, GLP 2 (Susceptible check), GLP 1004, GLP 24, and GLP 1127. Experimental design was RCBD with three replications. Data collected were subjected to ANOVA, mean values were separated using LSD at 5% level of significance. Chelalang, Tasha, GLP 1004, KK 8, GLP 585 and KK 15 showed resistance and high yields. Phenol content was significant (P< 0.05) in resistant common bean varieties (KK8, Tasha, Chelalang, GLP 585, KK15, and GLP 1004). The common beans which showed significant resistance to bean fly had significant (P< 0.05) high yields of above 1000Kgha-1.

Therefore from the study it was evident that presence of phenol content in common beans deters bean fly infestation. Get the full articles via original publisher source at- Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res. 14(3), 9-13, March 2019.

english language editing

International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research - IJAAR is an open-access scholarly research journal, published by International Network for Natural Sciences. IJAAR publishes original scientific research articles in the field of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences. IJAAR published 2 Volume and 12 issue per the calendar year.

Gaudencia J. Kiptoo, Miriam G. Kinyua, Oliver K. Kiplagat.
Evaluation of phenolic content of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in association to bean fly (Ophiomyia spp.) infestation.
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res. 14(3), 9-13, March 2019.


Beninger CW, Hosfield GL. 2003. Antioxidant activity of extracts, condensed tannin fractions and pure flavonoids from Phaseolus vulgaris L. seed coat color genotypes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51, 7879-7883.

Cheruiyot E, Mumera L, Nakhone L, Mwonga S. 2001. Rotational effects of grain legumes on maize performance in the Rift valley highlands of Kenya. African Crop Science Journal 9, 667-676.

Hillocks RJ, Madata SC, Chirwa R, Minja ME, Msolla S. 2006. Phaseolus bean improvement in Tanzania 1956-2005. Euphytica 150, 215-231.

Hillocks R, Waller J. 1997. Soil borne diseases of tropical crops. CAB International, New York. 3-5. Journal of Nutrition 95, 116-123.

Kamneria J. 2007. Study of Incidence and Damage by Bean Fly (Ophiomyia spp) and Grain Yield of Common and Climbing Beans. MSc Thesis. Egerton University, Kenya.

Kimiti J, Odee D, Vanhauwe B. 2009. Grain legumes cultivation and problems faced by small holder farmers in legume production in the semi-arid Eastern Kenya. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 11, 4.

Munyasa AJ. 2013. Evaluation of Drought Tolerance Mechanisms in Mesoamerican Dry Bean Genotypes. University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya.

Mwang’ombe AW, Thiong’o G, Olubayo FM, Kiprop EK. 2007. Occurrence of Root Rot Disease of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Association with Bean Stem Maggot (Ophiomyia spp.) in Embu District 6, 141-146.

Ochilo W, Nyamasyo G. 2011. Pest status of bean stem maggot (Ophiomyia spp.) and black bean aphid (Aphis fabae) in Taita district, Kenya. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems 13, 91-97.

Ojwang’ P, Melis R, Songa J, Githiri M. 2010. Genotypic response of common bean to natural field populations of bean fly (Ophiomyia phaseoli) under diverse environmental conditions. Field Crops Research 117, 139-145.

Peter K, Swella G, Mushobozy M. 2009. Effect of Plant Populations on the Incidence of Bean Stem Maggot (Ophiomyia spp.) in Common Bean Intercropped with Maize. Plant Protection 45, 148-155.

Robbins JR, Bean SR. 2004. Development of a quantitative high performance liquid chromatography -photodiode array detection measurement system for phenolic acids. Journal of Chromatography 1038, 97-105.

Robbins RJ. 2003. Phenolic acids in foods: An overview of analytical methodology. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51, 2866-2887.

Romani A, Vignolini P, Galardi C, Mulinacci N, Benedettelli S, Heimler D. 2004. Germplasm characterization of Zolfino Landraces (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) by flavonoid content. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52, 3838-3842.

Tenuta M. 2001. The role of nitrogen transformation products in the control of soil-borne plant pathogens and pests. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Western Ontario, London.

Toomsan B, Cadisch G, Srichantawong M, Thongsodsaeng M, Giller C, Limpinuntana V. 2000. Biological nitrogen fixation and residual N benefit of pre-rice leguminous crops and green manures. Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 48, 19-29.

Wagara I, Kimani P. 2007. Resistance of nutrient-rich bean varieties to major biotic constraints in Kenya. Africa Crop Science Conference Proceedings 8, 2087-2090.

October 3, 2019

Altitudinal zonation of the vegetation of mount Kupe, Cameroon | J. Bio. Env. Sci. 14(1), 82-96

By: Barthélemy Tchiengue
english language editing
JBES welcome all respective authors to submit their research paper / manuscripts, thesis paper in the field of Environmental Sciences, Biology, Biodiversity, Species diversity, Ecology, Taxonomy and many more via online submission panel
A detailed account of the vegetation of Mount Kupe, clothed by a luxurious forest is unknown and this study aims to fill that gap. From altitude 700m above farmlands to the summit, 29 plots of 5000m² each were demarcated and the floristic inventory involved the recording of all tree and shrub individuals of at least 5cm dbh. Diversity indices and many structural parameters were calculated.
Important families and species were determined by calculating the family important and the species's important value indices. The Shannon diversity index dropped from 4.1 in the lower dried submontane zone to 2.2 in the transition to montane zone. The Pielou evenness was 0.8 in the transition between lowland and submontane zone and decreased to 0.6 in the transition to the montane zone. Some of the 11 important plant families are Euphorbiaceae, Guttiferae, Sterculiaceae and Meliaceae. Species A total of 198 species were recorded in the plots and five vegetation zones were discriminated. Amongst species with high IVI there are many Guttiferae (Allanblackia gabonensis Oliv., Garcinia lucida Vesque, G. smeathmannii (Planch. & Triana) N.Robson, Pentadesma grandifolia Bak. F.), and other like Santiria trimera (Oliv) Aubrév., Carapa oreophila Kenfack, Dacryodes klaineana (Pierre) H.J. Lam, and Cylicomorpha solmsii (Urb.)Urb. The distribution of stem individuals according to dbh indicates that large trees are not well represented. Since the forest on mount Kupe is stable, a situation favoring the presence of strict and narrow endemic species, the administration in charge of forestry must control encroachment in order to preserve this treasure. Full pdf articles available at-
J. Bio. Env. Sci. 14(1), 82-96, January 2019.
english language editing

Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences-JBES is an open-access scholarly research journal, published by International Network for Natural Sciences-INNSPUB. JBES published original scientific articles in different field of Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity. JBES published 2 Volume and 12 issue per calender year.

September 16, 2019

Effects of Azolla and inorganic nitrogen application on growth and yield of rice in mwea irrigation scheme | IJAAR 14(3), 1-8, March 2019.

By: WA Oyange, GN Chemining’wa, JI Kanya, PN Njiruh

english language editing
"" IJAAR welcome all of you to submit your research paper for publication in the field of Agriculture, Agronomy, Horticulture etc. Please submit your manuscripts via Online submission panel.""
english language editing

Use of inorganic fertilizers constitutes 20% of the rice production cost in Mwea. Azolla fern, which grows in Mwea Irrigation paddies, has the potential to supplement the nitrogen requirement, thus reducing the fertilizer costs. A field experiment was conducted in Mwea Irrigation Scheme during 2015 long and short rains to determine the effect of Azolla incorporation and inorganic nitrogen on growth and yield of rice.

The treatments comprised three nitrogen fertilizer levels (0, 30 and 60kg N ha-1) and three Azolla biomass levels (0, 7.5 and 15tons ha-1) laid out in a randomized complete block design with a split-plot arrangement. Data on plant height and number of tillers per plant were collected at 21, 35, 45, and 65 and 75 days after transplanting rice while yield and yield components were determined at 120 days after transplanting rice. Soil was analysed for N, P and K, before and after termination of the experiment. Data were subjected to analysis of variance using SAS and means separated using the least significant difference test at p ≤ 0.05. Azolla incorporation significantly increased residual soil phosphorus, grain weight, % grain filling and grain yield. Inorganic nitrogen significantly increased plant height, tiller numbers, neck node, and panicle length, number of panicle m-2 and grain yield. Grain yield increase from Azolla treatment ranged from 5 to 42% compared to that of inorganic nitrogen which ranged from 18 to 36%. Application of 15t ha-1 of Azolla biomass recorded the highest yield, however, it was not significantly different from that of 7.5t ha-1. Get the full abstract at: Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res. 14(3), 1-8, March 2019.

english language editing

International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research - IJAAR is an open-access scholarly research journal, published by International Network for Natural Sciences. IJAAR publishes original scientific research articles in the field of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences. IJAAR published 2 Volume and 12 issue per the calendar year.

WA Oyange, GN Chemining’wa, JI Kanya, PN Njiruh.
Effects of Azolla and inorganic nitrogen application on growth and yield of rice in mwea irrigation scheme.
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res. 14(3), 1-8, March 2019.


Effects of Azolla and inorganic nitrogen application on growth and yield of rice in mwea irrigation scheme

Alim MA. 2012. Effect of organic and inorganic sources and doses of nitrogen fertilizer on the yield of Boro rice. Environmental Science and Natural Resources 5(1), 273- 282.

Awodun MA. 2008. Effect of Azolla on Physiochemical properties of the soil. World Journal of Agricultural Scieneces 4(2), 157-160.

Blumentha JM, Baltensperger DD, Cassman KG, Mason SC, Pavlista AD. 2008. Importance and effect of nitrogen on crop quality and health. Faculty Publications, Agronomy and Horticulture, p200.

Bocchi S, Malgioglio A. 2010. Azolla-Anabaena as a bio-fertilizer for rice paddy fields in the Po valley, a temperate rice area in northern Italy. International Journal of Agronomy 2010, 152-158.

Carrapiço F, Teixeira G, Diniz M. 2000. Azolla as a bio-fertiliser in Africa. A challenge for the future. Revista de Ciências Agrárias 23(3-4), 120-138.

Cheng-Wei L,  Yu S,  Bo-Ching C,  Hung-Yu  L. 2014. Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizers on the Growth and Nitrate Content of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health, Vol 11 (4), 4427-40.

Choudhury ATMA, Kennedy IR. 2005. Nitrogen fertilizer losses from rice Soils and control of environmental pollution problems. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 36, 1625-1639.

De Datta SK, Stangel PJ, Craswell ET. 1981. Evaluation of nitrogen fertility and increasing fertilizer efficiency in wet lands rice soils. Proceedings of symposium on paddy soil, p171-206.

Dobermann A, Fairhurt TH. 2002. Rice straw management, Better crops, vol 16.online, www.ipni.net/ publication/bci.nst,.

Ferentinos L, Smith J, Valenzuela H. 2002. Sustainable agriculture, green manurecrops.0nline-www/ctahr.hawai.edu/oc/freepubs/greenmanurecrops/ azollla.pdf

Ganeshamurthy AN, Rupa TR, Kalaivanan D,  Radha TK. 2017. Sources of reactive nitrogen, environmental and climate effects, management options, and policies The Indian Nitrogen Assessment P. 133-147.
Mahalingam PU, Muniappan K, Arumugam N, Senthil MG. 2014. Use of Azolla bio-fertilizer in pot culture studies with paddy crop Oryza sativa. Innovare Journal of Agricultural Science 3(2), 1-6.

Qiu W, Curtin D, Beare M, Gregorich. 2012. Temperature sensitivity of organic matter mineralization in soils with contrasting management histories. Gains from the past- Goals for the future. Occasional report no 25, Fertilizer and lime research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Republic of Kenya, AIRS internal reports no 22, p26; (1982), no 34, p25; (1984), no 44, p14-15(1981).

Republic of Kenya, MOA & JICA, Rice-MAPP. 2012. Baseline survey in Mwea Irrigation Scheme p9, p21, 2012.

Setiawati MR, Damayani M, Herdiyantoro D, Suryatmana P, Anggraini D, Khumairah HF. 2018. The application dosage of Azolla pinnata in fresh and powder form as organic fertilizer on soil chemical properties, growth and yield of rice plant. AIP Conference Proceedings 1927, 030017 (2018); DOI: 10.1063/1.5021210.

Subedi P, Shrestha J. 2015. Improving soil fertility through Azolla application in low land rice; A review. Azarian Journal of Agriculture 2, 35-39.

Wanjogu RK, Mugambi G, Adoli HL, Shisanya SO, Tamura M. 1992. Mwea Rice Production manual, p22-2.

September 12, 2019

Ratio « number of males on number of females » for the mass production of Sarotherodon melanotheron’s fry in concrete tanks | JBES 14(1), 72-81

By: Chikou Antoine
english language editing
JBES welcome all respective authors to submit their research paper / manuscripts, thesis paper in the field of Environmental Sciences, Biology, Biodiversity, Species diversity, Ecology, Taxonomy and many more via online submission panel
The appropriate proportion of male and female parents that give a highest number of juveniles is a major concern in tilapia culture Sarotherodon melanotheron due to the oral incubation by males. A study of the ratio “number of males to number of females” on fingerlings production has been performed in order to determine the optimal ratio for S. melanotheron.
Five ratios were tested : R1 (1 male to 2 females), R2 (1 male to 3 females), R3 (2 males to 2 females), R4 (2 males to 4 females) and R5 (2 males to 6 females). The experimental device consists of five concrete tanks (1m x 1m x 60cm) filled to 2/3, about 0.17m3 of water. The fish are fed three times a day with a diet containing 35% crude protein. Once a week, the fertilized eggs are collected and incubated in a tank. The hatching rate and larval growth are followed. The experiment was duplicated and lasted 6 weeks to harvest eggs and 40 days to track the growth of larvae. The results show that the number of egg laying is significantly different from a ratio to each other (p ˂ 0.05) and increases with the number of males and females. The highest number of egg laying is obtained with R5 ratio “2 males to 6 females” that seems best for the mass reproduction of juveniles of S. melanotheron. These results provide a basis for the intensive production of S. melanotheron for the aquaculture development in lagoon. Full articles at: J. Bio. Env. Sci. 14(1), 72-81, January 2019.
english language editing

Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences-JBES is an open-access scholarly research journal, published by International Network for Natural Sciences-INNSPUB. JBES published original scientific articles in different field of Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity. JBES published 2 Volume and 12 issue per calender year.

Citation Sample 

Chikou Antoine. Ratio « number of males on number of females » for the mass production of Sarotherodon melanotheron’s fry in concrete tanks. J. Bio. Env. Sci. 14(1), 72-81, January 2019.


Ratio « number of males on number of females » for the mass production of Sarotherodon melanotheron’s fry in concrete tanks

Aina MP, Degila H, Chikou A, Adjahatode F, Matejka G. 2012. Risk Of intoxication by heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, Hg) connected to the consumption of some halieutic species in lake Nokoue: case of the Penaeus shrimps and the Sarotherodon melanotheron. British Journal of Science 5(1), 104-118.

Chikou A. 1992. Etude préliminaire des performances de croissances de Sarotherodon melanotheron nourris en bassins avec des composés de son de maïs, de tourteaux de coprah et/ou de palmiste. Thèse d’ingénieur Agronome, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques de l’Université d’Abomey-Calavi. Bénin. 116 p.

Chikou A, Fagnon SM, Youssao I, Lalèyè P. 2013. Facteur de condition de Sarotherodon melanotheron (pisces, Cichlidae) dans les eaux douces et saumâtres du Bénin (Afrique de l’Ouest). Annales des Sciences Agronomiques, UAC-Bénin, 17(1), 69-76.

Cisse A. 1986. Résultats préliminaires de l’alimentation artificielle de Tilapia guineensis (BLEEKER) et Sarotherodon melanotheron (RUPPEL, 1852) en élevage In: Aquaculture research in the african region, F.I.S. Seminar PUDOC-Wageningen, 103-111 p

Fagnon MS, Chikou A, Youssao I, Lalèyè P. 2013. Caractérisation morphologique des populations de Sarotherodon melanotheron (Pisces, Cichlidae) en eaux douces et saumâtres au Sud Bénin. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 7(2), 619-630.

Houndonougbo KP, Chikou A, Fagnon S, Fiogbe E. 2013. Etude de la reproduction des populations de Sarotherodon melanotheron (Pisces, Cichlidae) dans les eaux douces et saumâtres au sud-Bénin. Les Cahiers du CBRST, Benin. 4, 551-569.

Houndonougbo KP, Chikou A, Fagnon S, Fiogbe ED, Laleye P. 2013. Etude de l’écologie des populations de Sarotherodon melanotheron melanotheron (Pisces, Cichlidae) dans les eaux douces et saumâtres au Sud-Bénin. Communication présentée au 4ème Colloque de l’Université d’Abomey-Calavi des Sciences, Cultures et Technologies. Campus universitaire d’Abomey-Calavi du 23 au 28 Septembre 2013, p 686.

Houndonougbo KP, Chikou A, Fousseni A, Fiogbé ED, Lalèyè P. 2013. Fécondité, taille de première maturité sexuelle et condition de Sarotherodon melanotheron (Pisces, Cichidae) dans les eaux douces et saumâtres du Sud Bénin Communication présentée au 1er colloque des Sciences, Sociétés et Développement organisé par l’Université de Parakou du 27 au 29 Novembre 2013. Bénin, p 54.

Huet 1972. Test book of fish culture breeding and culturation of fish. Thèse de doctorat d’Etat. ULg Belgium. 46 p.

Lacroix E. 2004. Pisciculture en zone tropicale. 49 p à 60 p et 101 p

Lazard J, Aglinglo C, Morissens P, Darrel P. 1990. Méthode artisanale d’aquaculture du Tilapia en Afrique, p 82.

Lederoun D, Chikou A, Vreven E, Snoeks J, Moreau J, Vandewalle P, Lalèyè P. 2015. Population parameters and exploitation rate of Sarotherodon melanotheron melanotheron rüppell, 1852 (Cichlidae) in Lake Toho, Benin.  Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 6(2), p. 259-271.

Lederoun D, Parmentier E, Chikou A, Vreven E, Lalèyè P, Snoeks J, Vandewalle P. 2013. How sustainable is the current exploitation of Sarotherodon melanotheron melanotheron Rûppell, 1852 (Percifoprmes : Cichlidae in lake Toho (Mono Basin, West Africa) ? 2013. Communication présentée au 4ème Colloque de l’Université d’Abomey-Calavi des Sciences, Cultures et Technologies. Campus universitaire d’Abomey-Calavi du 23 au 28 Septembre 2013. p 672.

Legendre M. 1983. Observations préliminaires sur la croissance et le comportement en élevage de Sarotherodon melanotheron (RUPPEL 1852) et de Tilapia guineensis (BLEEKER 1852) en lagune Ebrié (Cote d’Ivoire). Centre de Recherche Océanographique, Abidjan 14(2), p 1-36.

Legendre M. 1986. Influence de la densité de l’élevage monosexe et de l’alimentation sur la croissance de Tilapia guineensis et de Sarotherodon melanotheron élevés en cage-enclos en lagune Ebrié (Cote d’Ivoire) Revue HydrobiologieTropicale, p 19-29.

Leveque C, Paugy D. 1984. Guide des poissons d’eau douce de la zone du programme de lutte contre l’onchocercose en Afrique de l’Ouest. Tome 2, 902 p.

Melard C. 1986. Les bases biologiques de l’élevage intensif du tilapia du Nil. Cahiers Ethologie Appliquée 6(3), 224 p.

Ouattara N, N’douba V, Kone T, Snoeks J, Philippart JC. 2005. Performance de croissance d’une souche isolée du Tilapia estuarien Sarotherodon melanotheron. Annales de l’Université M. NGOUABI 6(1), p 113-119.

Pliya J. 1980. La pêche dans le Sud-Ouest du Bénin 296 p. Etude de géographie appliquée sur la pêche continentale et maritime. AGECOOP. I.S.B.N. 52 p

Roberts RJ. Sommerville C. 1982. Diseases of tilapia. 250 p.

Sakiti N, Blanc E, Marques A, Bouix G. 1991. Myxosporidies du genre Myxobolus bütschli, 1982 parasites des poissons Cichlidae du lac Nokoué au Bénin. Journal of African Zoology. 105, p 173-186.

Wuemenou AT. 1988. Possibilité d’adaptation du Sarotherodon melanotheron à la pisciculture béninoise, – Contribution à l’écologie et la biologie-potentialités d’élevage Thèse d’Ingénieur Agronome. FSA/UAC. Bénin. 113 p.

August 27, 2019

Response of maize productivity to nitrogen fertilizer and spraying with blue green algae extract | IJAAR

By: Rasha SA El-Moursy, Abido WAE, Badawi MA

english language editing
"" IJAAR welcome all of you to submit your research paper for publication in the field of Agriculture, Agronomy, Horticulture etc. Please submit your manuscripts via Online submission panel.""


The main purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the impact of nitrogen fertilizer and spraying with blue green algae extract levels on the productivity of maize. Two field experiments were conducted at private farm at Algraydh Village, Bialla district, Kafrelshiekh Governorate, Egypt during 2017 and 2018 seasons. The treatments were allocated in a strip-plot design with four replications.
The vertical-plots were devoted to nitrogen fertilizer levels (60, 80, 100 and 120kgN fed-1). While, the horizontal-plots were assigned to spraying with blue green algae levels (without as control, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0g L-1). Increasing fertilizer levels up to 120kg N fed-1 significantly exceeded other levels of nitrogen fertilizer and produced the highest averages of growth characters, yield and grain quality, followed by using 100kg N fed-1 and there is no significant differences between them in most studied growth characters and yields in both seasons. Foliar spraying with 6.0g L-1 significantly surpassed other treatments and recorded the maximum averages of growth, yield and its components and grains quality of maize, followed by spraying plants with 4.5g L-1 and without significant differences between them in all studied characters in both seasons. Generally, mineral fertilizing maize with 100kgN fed‑1 (saved 20kgN fed‑1) beside spraying with algae extract at 4.5g L-1 were recommended for enhancing productivity and seed quality of maize moreover, reducing the pollution resulted from high levels of mineral nitrogen fertilizer under the environmental conditions of Kafrelshiekh Governorate Egypt. 


Maize (Zea mays L) is consider one of the major cereal worldwide crops, it is use mainly as human consumption, livestock feed, for industrial purposes as a source of oil, starch extraction and production as well as ethanol production. Its grains contain about 10% protein, 4.8% oil, 8.5% fiber, 66.7% starch, and 7% ash (Khan et al., 2008 and Pavão and Filho, 2011). The allocated area harvested in Egypt reached about 1.08 million hectare with total production 8.00 million tons. But, in the world the total harvested area reached about 187.95 million hectare, with total production 1.06 milliard tons according to (FAO, 2018). Increasing maize production became one of the most important goals of the world to face human and animal demands. Undoubtedly, mineral nitrogen composites i.e. NH4+ and NO3‒ range about 5% of the total nitrogen in soil, although they are consider the useful form of the nutrient absorbed by plants, also mineral nitrogen fertilizer is applied in large quantities to maintain the nutritional condition of different cereal crops life systems (Brady and Weil, 2008). 
Mineral nitrogen fertilizer is an important factor of aggro technical practices and essential for increasing growth, production and quality of plants. Nitrogen availability plays a vital role during plant growth stages, due to it is a major component of many composites necessary for plant growth processes such as the component of protoplasm, chlorophyll formation, increase the activity of meristematic, cell division, increases cell size, increase internodes length, proteins content, nucleic acids content such as DNA and component of ATP as energy-transfer composites (Haque et al., 2001 and Iqbal et al., 2006), organize the availability utilization of phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients in plants (Brady and Weil, 2002), increase the accumulation of dry matter due to increase in leaf area and thus absorb more solar radiation (Purcell et al., 2002 and Shanahan et al., 2008). Many researchers noticed that apply of nitrogen at an adequate quantity is always vital for produce well growth and development of maize plants. In this connection, nitrogen fertilizer significantly influenced plant height, leaf area, stalk diameter, ear height, weight of ear plant-1, 100-grain weight, grains and straw yield ha-1 as well as grain quality (Almodares et al., 2009 and Gruzska et al., 2016). Raising nitrogen fertilizer levels from 90 to 126kgN fed-1 produced the highest grains and straw yields per unit area (Karasu, 2012; Seadh et al., 2013; Gruzska et al., 2016; Abebe and Feyisa, 2017 and Abera et al., 2017). While, application of 150 or 180kg N ha-1 produced the maximum averages of plant height, leaf area, number of seed row-1, grains and straw yield ha-1, protein, oil and carbohydrate contents in maize plants (Cheema et al., 2010; Aghdam et al., 2014; Ali and Anjum, 2017 and Zeleke et al., 2018).

Nowadays, a foliar fertilizers becomes directly available in the plant because it makes them perfect for correcting nutrient deficiencies and they are 100% water soluble. In addition, the prices of agrochemicals became more expensive especially mineral nitrogen, these make farmers with low income from the production of field crops. Foliar spraying is considering one of important technique of fertilization, which may help plants partially compensate the deficient of nutrients uptake by the roots (Ling and Moshe, 2002). So, the use of blue green algae extracts as a source of nitrogen save and moderately the requires of mineral nitrogen in most crop production. 
In recent times, there is a great consideration of creating novel relationship between agronomically vital plants, such as wheat, maize and N2 -fixing microorganisms including cyanobacteria (Chen, 2006). Blue green algae extract can use for sustainable agriculture, which, it contains macro and micro elements, natural enzymes, auxins and cytokinins in numerous amounts, also plays vital role in stimulate root establishment, root elongation and enhance vegetative growth of plants (Shaaban, 2001; Zhang and Ervin, 2004 and Raupp and Oltmanns, 2006). Foliar application of algae extract has been noticed to increase photosynthetic pigments, crop growth, total biomass, yield and yield components as well as quality, increase nutrient uptake, resistance to stress conditions and growth promoting hormones (Ghalab and Salem, 2001). It can use as bio-fertilizers which enhanced the vegetative growth of main cereal crops i.e. wheat, rice and maize (Aziz and Hashem, 2004 and Arora et al., 2010).

In addition, it increases the functional activity of photosynthetic apparatus through raised chlorophyll content, total carbohydrates content, starch, amino acids and protein (Yassen et al., 2007). Algae extracts also, are important source of potassium and contains considerable amounts of P, Cu, Ca, Fe, Mg, Zn and Mn (Abd El-Mawgoud et al., 2010 and Marrez et al., 2014). Moreover, spraying algae extracts at the rate of 3.5 or 4.5g L-1 caused an increase in productivity and quality of sugar beet plants (Enan et al., 2016).
Thus, the present study has been undertaken to assess the role of mineral nitrogen fertilizer, blue green algae extract levels and its combination on the productivity of maize plants under the ecological studies of the experiments site.

International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research - IJAAR is an open-access scholarly research journal, published by International Network for Natural Sciences. IJAAR publishes original scientific research articles in the field of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences. IJAAR published 2 Volume and 12 issue per the calendar year.

Citation Sample

Rasha SA El-Moursy, Abido WAE, Badawi MA.
Response of maize productivity to nitrogen fertilizer and spraying with blue green algae extract. Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res. 14(2), 10-20.


Abd El-Mawgoud AMR, Tantawy AS, El-Nemr MA, Sassine YN. 2010. Growth and yield responses of strawberry plants to chitosan application. European Journal of Scientific Research 39 (1), 161-168.

Abebe Z, Feyisa H. 2017. Effects of nitrogen rates and time of application on yield of maize: rainfall variability influenced time of N application.  International Journal of Agronomy, ID 1545280, p 10.

Abera T, Debele T, Wegary D. 2017. Effects of varieties and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and yield components of maize on farmers field in mid altitude areas of Western Ethiopia. International Journal of Agronomy, ID 4253917, p 13.

Aghdam SM, Yeganehpoor F, Kahrariyan B, Shabani E. 2014. Effect of different urea levels on yield and yield components of corn 704. International journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research 2(2), 300-305.

Ali N, Anjum MM. 2017. Effect of different nitrogen rates on growth, yield and quality of maize. Middle East Journal of Agriculture Research 6(1), 107-112.

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August 3, 2019

Plant protection applications in organic agriculture and farmers’ approaches to organic agriculture in Kocaeli, Turkey | JBES

By: Mehmet Veysel Ayhan, Aysun Cavusoglu

english language editing
JBES welcome all respective authors to submit their research paper / manuscripts, thesis paper in the field of Environmental Sciences, Biology, Biodiversity, Species diversity, Ecology, Taxonomy and many more via online submission panel
Plant production is becoming more important day by day with organic agriculture, one of the agricultural production systems. Plant protection applications with the right method are regarded as one of the most important factors to achieve sustainable organic agriculture.
This study was conducted to identify the present situation in plant protection practices performed by organic agriculture enterprises on plant production and frequently faced problems such as pests, diseases, weeds and plant physiology in their fields in Kocaeli. A further purpose was to determine farmers’ approaches to these problems as well as organic agriculture in plant production. In this regard, the study was carried out in the middle of 2016 by a face to face close and open ended questionnaire following a full count method in Kocaeli Province in Turkey. The data show that there are various solved and unresolved biotic and abiotic problems in organic plant farming. According to the results weeds, aphids, late blight and downy mildew are as biotic, short time period of vegetation and forest are as abiotic are mostly facing problem in the fields. “Plant Protection problems” is stated as the second most important subject by farmers. In addition farmers’ awareness and expectations were revealed in the organic farming system. According to the results. Kocaeli has farmers who are aware and well educated that applies the main principles of organic agriculture, yet they remain incapable for plant protection in organic agriculture and for some other issues independent of this subject. Get the full articles at  J. Bio. Env. Sci. 14(1), 46-60, January 2019.

english language editing

Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences-JBES is an open-access scholarly research journal, published by International Network for Natural Sciences-INNSPUB. JBES published original scientific articles in different field of Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity. JBES published 2 Volume and 12 issue per calender year.

Citation Sample

Mehmet Veysel Ayhan, Aysun Cavusoglu.
Plant protection applications in organic agriculture and farmers’ approaches to organic agriculture in Kocaeli, Turkey.
J. Bio. Env. Sci. 14(1), 46-60, January 2019.


Plant protection applications in organic agriculture and farmers’ approaches to organic agriculture in Kocaeli, Turkey

Akova SB. 2011. Yalova: potential organic agricultural land of Turkey. EchoGeo 16, 1-18.

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Kodaş R, Er C. 2012. Organic Farming in Cereals. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludag University 26(1), 103-116.

Küp F, Sağlam R, Yetkin C, Tobi İ, Uludağ A. 2013. Organik tarım uygulamalarının aşamaları ve pratikte karşılaşılan sorunlar. 28. Ulusal Tarımsal Mekanizasyon Kongresi-Konya 103-110.

Madanlar N, Yoldaş Z, Durmuşoğlu E, Gümüş M, Örümlü E, Onoğur E, Tüzel Y. 2005. Plant protection practices in organic vegetable growing in greenhouse in the preservation zone of Tahtalı (Menderes, İzmir, Turkey) Dam. Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. 42(1), 75-83.

Marsh L, Zoumenou V, Cotton C, Hashem F. 2017. Organic farming: knowledge, practices, and views of limited resource farmers and non-farmers on the Delmarva Peninsula. Organic Agriculture 7, 125-132.

Merdan K, Kaya V. 2013. The economic analysis of organic agriculture in Turkey. Atatürk Üniv. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 17(3), 239-252.

Nandi R, Bokelmanna W, Nithya VG, Dias G. 2015. Smallholder organic farmer’s attitudes, objectives and barriers towards production of organic fruits and vegetables in India: A multivariate analysis. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 27(5), 396-406.

Niggli U, Andres C, Willer H. 2017. Building a global platform for organic farming research, innovation and technology transfer. Organic Agriculture 7, 209-224.

Olle M, Tsahkna A, Tähtjärv T, Williams IH. 2015. Plant protection for organically grown potatoes-a review. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 31(3), 147-157.

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July 29, 2019

Effects of inorganic nutrient P and N application on Azolla biomass growth and nutrient uptake | IJAAR

 By: WA Oyange, GN Chemining’wa, JI Kanya, PN Njiruh
english language editing
"" IJAAR welcome all of you to submit your research paper for publication in the field of Agriculture, Agronomy, Horticulture etc. Please submit your manuscripts via Online submission panel.""
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Rice farmers in Mwea Irrigation Scheme routinely apply P and N fertilizers which affect water nutrient levels. A study was conducted to establish the effects of nutrient N and P application on Azolla biomass accumulation. The study was conducted in a batch culture experiment, using 5g of fresh Azolla biomass samples from each of the six major paddy schemes namely: Mwea, Ahero, West Kano, Bunyala, TARDA, and Taveta.
Treatments consisted of 0 and 3mg P l-1 and 0 and 200mg N l-1, laid out in a randomized complete block design replicated three times.  Azolla samples were grown in batch culture plastic pots of 8.4 x 10-3m3 for 10 days using canal water, which was replenished every three days. Fresh Azolla biomass weight was recorded at 0, 5 and 10 days after inoculation. Data was subjected to analysis of variance using SAS statistical package version 9.1 and means separated using the least significant difference test (p≤0.05). The pH levels in irrigation water averaged 7.2 while N, P and K levels were 20.2, 11.6 and 15ppm respectively. Tissue N and K for Azolla accession averaged 4.2% and 1.6% respectively. Biomass accumulation and doubling time of Azolla were significantly affected by exogenous P and N nutrient application. Doubling time ranged from 5.5 days to 6.7. Application N and P significantly reduced Azolla biomass accumulation and increased biomass doubling time.


Azolla is a pteridophyte which forms a symbiotic association with a cyanobacterium-Anabaena azollae (Bocchi et al., 2010) and fixes nitrogen at a rate higher than legumes (Wagner, 1997). A study on Azolla has reported that Azolla contains 4.5% N, 0.4% P and 1.5- 3% K (Watanabe, 1989). In Mwea Irrigation Scheme, the existing species was found to contain 3.9% N, 0.44% P, and 1.08% K (unpublished). Azolla is capable of providing 40kg N ha-1 to the rice crop due to its nitrogen content which is released upon decomposition (Kannaiyan et al., 1982) reported that. This can reduce the cost of rice crop inorganic fertilizer, which constitutes 20% of rice production cost in Mwea Irrigation Scheme (Rice MAPP, 2012). In Mwea Irrigation Scheme, Azolla coverage is estimated at 30-50% during peak times and this is majorly dependent upon water availability (unpublished). Nutrient status and other environmental factors are major factors affecting Azolla biomass growth (Wagner, 1997). 
Extensive and intensive inorganic fertilizer use forms the primary source of the water nutrient status and eutrophication in water bodies (FAO/ECE, 1991). Depending on the levels, this can cause atmospheric, aquatic and ground water system pollution (Choudhury et al., 2005). Farmers in Mwea irrigation scheme apply estimated P and N fertilizer amounts of 58kg of P2O5 and 56kg of N per hectare respectively, based on recommendations by Wanjogu et al. (1997). These fertilizers applied contribute to the water nutrient status being conducive for Azolla growth. The nitrogen fixing ability of Azolla makes it able to grow in nitrogen deficient waters (Watanabe, 1979; Hussner, 2010). However, its growth is limited by the nutrient element P (Kitoh et al., 1993). Kondo et al. (1989) reported a maximum growth rate for Azolla under application of 3.1ppm P with a threshold limit of 0.5-0.6% P. 
The level of phosphorus in water bodies is varied and can be high due to fertilizer use and runoff. This can lead to Azolla blooms in paddies or flood waters. Depending on the water nutrient status, Azolla multiplies fast; doubling its biomass in less than 10 days and readily colonizes new areas (Campbell, 2011). Hussner (2010) reported a doubling rate of 3-10 days, while Kitoh (1993) reported a doubling rate of 2-3 days under laboratory conditions. The nutrient P is important for Azolla growth and reproduction (Sadeghi, 2012). Its deficiency has been shown to hinder the acetylene reduction activity (Tung et al., 1989). However, excess levels of nutrient P has been reported to have a negative effect on Azolla growth (Pitt et al., 2014). 
According to Rains et al. (1979), a P level of 0.34ppm is the lower threshold limit below which there is deficiency. Subudhi et al., (1981) reported that external P level of 5ppm is the higher threshold limit beyond which Azolla tissue N content is affected negatively. The nutrient N is important for Azolla growth but because of its N fixing ability, it is capable of growing in N free media (Hussner, 2010). External N has been shown to inhibit the activity of acetylene reductase activity (Yatazawa et al., 1980). Kitoh, 1991 showed that external ammonia N negatively affects Azolla growth and N fixation activity. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of P and N on Azolla biomass growth and tissue N and P uptake, in Mwea Irrigation Scheme. Get the full articles and pdf at: Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res. 14(2), 1-9, February 2019.

english language editing

International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research - IJAAR is an open-access scholarly research journal, published by International Network for Natural Sciences. IJAAR publishes original scientific research articles in the field of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences. IJAAR published 2 Volume and 12 issue per the calendar year.

Citation Sample

WA Oyange, GN Chemining’wa, JI Kanya, PN Njiruh.
Effects of inorganic nutrient P and N application on Azolla biomass growth and nutrient uptake. Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res. 14(2), 1-9, February 2019.


Effects of inorganic nutrient P and N application on Azolla biomass growth and nutrient uptake

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