April 25, 2019

Natural regeneration of some commercial timber tree species following selective logging in a semi deciduous forest in the east region of Cameroon|JBES

By: Seraphine Ebenye Mokake
english language editing
JBES welcome all respective authors to submit their research paper/manuscripts, thesis paper in the field of Environmental Sciences, Biology, Biodiversity, Species diversity, Ecology, Taxonomy and many more via online submission panel
A critical step in sustainable forest management is to ensure the establishment and regeneration of seedlings and sapling of exploitable tree species following logging. Since selective logging is one of the main silvicultural practices in Cameroon, a detailed understanding of regeneration following selective logging is vital. 
english language editing

This study evaluated the natural regeneration of some commercial timber species in logged and unlogged forest types in two forest management units (FMU) in the East Region of Cameroon (FMU 10052 and 10025). Two transects of 5000 x 50m each were established in logged and unlogged forest types. Eleven commercial tree species were assessed for fruit fall, the number of seedlings established and the height increment of the established seedlings. Three of these commercial tree species fruited in both forest types. Fruit fall was significantly higher (p≤0.001)in the logged forest (492 fruits/ha)than in the unlogged forest (52 fruits/ha). Comparing species that fruited in both forest types Klainedoxa gabonensis recorded the highest number of fruit fall(84 fruits/ha) and least (0.24 fruits/ha) in the logged and unlogged forest types respectively. Seedling establishment was significantly higher (p≤0.001) in the unlogged forest (404 seedlings/ha) than in the logged forest (72 seedlings /ha). Seedling performance was better in the unlogged forest compared to the logged forest (low mortality rate). Due to the low seedling establishment and performance of these species in the logged forest, seed trees should be marked and protected prior and after logging as prescribed in the sustainable forest management.

Get the full articles at: J. Bio. Env. Sci. 12(1), 22-39, January 2018.

english language editing

Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences-JBES is an open-access scholarly research journal, published by International Network for Natural Sciences-INNSPUB. JBES published original scientific articles in different field of Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity. JBES published 2 Volume and 12 issue per calender year.


Natural regeneration of some commercial timber tree species following selective logging in a semi deciduous forest in the east region of Cameroon
Asner GP, Knapp DE, Broadbent EN, Oliviera PJC, Keller M, Silva JN. 2005. Selective logging in the Brazillian Amazon. Science 310, 480-482.
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Costa FRC, Magnusson WE. 2003. Effects of selective logging on the diversity and abundance of flowering and fruiting understory plants in Central Amazonian forest. Biotropica 35, 103–114.
Curran LM, Webb CO. 2000. Experimental tests of the spatiotemporal scale of seed predation in mast-fruiting Dipterocarpaceae. Ecological Monographs 70, 129–148.
Dauber E, Fredericksen TS, Pena CM. 2005. Sustainability of timber harvesting in Bolivian Tropical Forests. Forest Ecology and Management 214, 294-304.
Deckker M, de Graaf NR. 2003. Pioneer and climax tree regeneration following selective logging with silviculture in Suriname. Forest Ecology and Management, 172, 183–190.
Delissio LJ. 2000. Tree seedling dynamics and drought in Bornean rain forests. Ph.D. dissertation. Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston. 239 p.
Duah-Gyamfi A, Swaine MD, Kyere B,
Agyeman VK. 2012. Natural regeneration of timber species following selective logging in a tropical moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana. IUFRO FORNESSA Congress.
Felton A, Felton AM, Wood J, Lindenmayer DB. 2006. Vegetation structure, phenology, and regeneration in the natural and anthropogenic tree-fall gaps of a reduced-impact logged subtropical Bolivian forest. Forest Ecology and Management 235, 186–193.
Fitzpatrick M. 2002. Cameroon,” Lonely Planet West Africa, 5th ed. China: Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd.


April 20, 2019

Effect of storage methods of cassava planting materials on establishment and early growth vigour | IJAAR

By: Baraka Barnabas Mdenye
"" IJAAR welcome all of you to submit your research paper for publication in the field of Agriculture, Agronomy, Horticulture etc. Please submit your manuscripts via Online submission panel.""
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Cruntz.) establishment depends on quality of planting materials. The experiment was done to determine the effects storage and variety on crop establishment and early growth vigour. Karembo and KME 4 varieties were stored in clamp under double shade (CUDS), horizontal under shade (HUS), vertical under shade (VUS) and horizontal under open ground (HOUG) as control for 16 weeks.
Planting materials was sampled from each storage methods after every 4 weeks and taken to field to evaluate their sprouting ability, number of primary shoots formation, number of leaves, rate of leaf formation and early growth vigour. Data were subjected to ANOVA and means separated by LSD. Sprouting percentage at Kabete was 54.73 % while in Kiboko had 37.78 %. The results showed that Kabete had 1.60 number of primary shoots per plant compared to 1.04 of Kiboko. The results showed KME4 had higher sprouting than Karembo in both sites. This can be due to genetic difference among varieties. The rate of leaf formation at Kiboko was higher as compared to Kabete it could be contribute difference in temperature between locations. Thus, optimum temperature and relative humidity should be factored in cassava cuttings storage to avoid increased death of stored cuttings. In case of storage cassava cuttings, should be stored in clamp under double shade methods under low temperature and moderate RH.
Get original articles via publisher website. Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res. 12(1), 1-10, January 2018

International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research - IJAAR is an open-access scholarly research journal, published by International Network for Natural Sciences. IJAAR publishes original scientific research articles in the field of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences. IJAAR published 2 Volume and 12 issue per the calendar year.

Submit Your Article

April 17, 2019

The comparison of organic waste compost quality between aerated static pile and open windrow method in Cahaya kencana landfill south Kalimantan Indonesia - JBES

By: Rizqi Puteri Mahyudin, Muhammad Firmansyah, Melida Rima Fatimah

This research is intended to analyzed composting condition of leaf organic waste (temperature and pH fluctuation), and analyzed the compost quality comparison between aerated static piles (ASP) and open windrow method.

Mode of inheritance of resistance to the stalk-eyed fly (Diopsis longicornis) in rice

Stalk eyed flies (D. longicornis and D. apicalis) are pests of economic importance on rice. Of the two species of stalk- eyed fly, D. longicornis is the most prevalent and destructive. To determine the mode of inheritance for resistance to the stalk-eyed fly in rice in Uganda, crosses were made among eight parental lines (NERICA4, TXD306, K85, NM7-22-11-B-P-1-1, NERICA1, NERICA6, NAMCHE2 and PAKISTAN) selected on the basis of their response to the stalk-eyed fly, high yield and early maturity. Of the eight, four genotypes [NERICA4, TXD306, and NM7-22-11-B-P-1-1 and K85], exhibited lower levels of deadheart occurrence and were crossed using the North Carolina II mating design with four susceptible genotypes [NERICA1 and NERICA6, PAKISTAN, and NAMCHE2]. Studies on combining abilities were conducted on 16 F1 hybrids along with the eight parents. Narrow sense coefficients of genetic determination (NSCGD) were low to moderate (0.09 – 0.33) and broad sense coefficients of genetic determination (BSCGD) were moderate to high (0.38 – 0.89) for traits studied. Both GCA and SCA effects were significant for percentage of deadhearts. However, Baker’s ratio was less than 0.5 (0.37) for deadhearts, indicating that both additive and non-additive gene effects were involved in resistance to the stalk-eyed fly, although non-additive gene effects were more important. NERICA4 andK85 were found to be good general combiners for increasing resistance. The crosses Pakistan × TXD306 and NERICA1× NM7-22-11-B-P-1-1 were identified as promising lines for advancement.


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