• Amin Setyo Leksono*, Bagyo Yanuwiadi
  1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Brawijaya, Jl. Veteran Malang, 65145,Indonesia
This research aimed to analyse the effect of biopesticide and organic liquid fertilizer on weight and quality of apple. The study was carried out in Bumiaji, Batu, East Java (805'S, 11280'E, 1400 m in altitude) on July -December 2013. The liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) was produced from water mixed with nitrogen source such asmanure, urin, legume leaves, phosphoric powder and an energy source such as molasses or sugar juice This mixture was fermented with local microorganism. Biopesticide was extracted from Mahogany seed powder and Sour sop leaves and mix with LOF to get a combination (CB) treatment. Two treatments and a control wereapplied in different fields. First treatment consisted of application of the liquid organic fertilizer (LOF), while the second consisted of combination of the liquid organic fertilizer and biopesticide (CB). Five trees were selected per field for data collection. Application of LOF and CB were conducted every two weeks untill fruit harvest. Control was conducted in a field with regular cultivation. Result showed that both treatments increase the weight of apple production.Mean of individual apple weight with CB treatment is slightly higher (115.56 ± 29.99 gr/ind) than that with LOF treatment (112.72 ± 9.09 gr/ind). The effect of both of treatments by applying liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) and combination (CB) has increased the apple weight (29.8% and 33.1% respectively). In general both treatments have shown to increase glucose content, Vitamin C and Calcium content in apple fruits.
Full Article Available at Volume 5, Number 5, November 2014 – IJAAR
Journal: International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research