October 7, 2019

Evaluation of phenolic content of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in association to bean fly (Ophiomyia spp.) infestation | IJAAR-Vol-14-No-3-p-9-13

By: Gaudencia J. Kiptoo, Miriam G. Kinyua, Oliver K. Kiplagat
english language editing
"" IJAAR welcome all of you to submit your research paper for publication in the field of Agriculture, Agronomy, Horticulture etc. Please submit your manuscripts via Online submission panel.""
english language editing
Common bean is the most important pulse crop in Kenya, though small scale farmers have limited access to pest resistant seeds. This has therefore made common bean yields remain below 1000kgha-1, while the potential is 2000kgha-1. However phenolics are secondary metabolites present in plants and this could be an attribute contributing to common beans resistance to bean fly infestation.
The objective of this study was to devise effective ways of managing bean fly by use of phenolic content present in commercial varieties of common beans. This was achieved by determining the total phenol content of the beans. The bean varieties were; KK 8, Tasha, KK 15 (Resistant check), Chelalang, Wairimu dwarf, Ciankui, GLP 585, Miezi mbili, GLP 2 (Susceptible check), GLP 1004, GLP 24, and GLP 1127. Experimental design was RCBD with three replications. Data collected were subjected to ANOVA, mean values were separated using LSD at 5% level of significance. Chelalang, Tasha, GLP 1004, KK 8, GLP 585 and KK 15 showed resistance and high yields. Phenol content was significant (P< 0.05) in resistant common bean varieties (KK8, Tasha, Chelalang, GLP 585, KK15, and GLP 1004). The common beans which showed significant resistance to bean fly had significant (P< 0.05) high yields of above 1000Kgha-1.

Therefore from the study it was evident that presence of phenol content in common beans deters bean fly infestation. Get the full articles via original publisher source at- Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res. 14(3), 9-13, March 2019.

english language editing

International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research - IJAAR is an open-access scholarly research journal, published by International Network for Natural Sciences. IJAAR publishes original scientific research articles in the field of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences. IJAAR published 2 Volume and 12 issue per the calendar year.

Gaudencia J. Kiptoo, Miriam G. Kinyua, Oliver K. Kiplagat.
Evaluation of phenolic content of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in association to bean fly (Ophiomyia spp.) infestation.
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res. 14(3), 9-13, March 2019.


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October 3, 2019

Altitudinal zonation of the vegetation of mount Kupe, Cameroon | J. Bio. Env. Sci. 14(1), 82-96

By: Barthélemy Tchiengue
english language editing
JBES welcome all respective authors to submit their research paper / manuscripts, thesis paper in the field of Environmental Sciences, Biology, Biodiversity, Species diversity, Ecology, Taxonomy and many more via online submission panel
A detailed account of the vegetation of Mount Kupe, clothed by a luxurious forest is unknown and this study aims to fill that gap. From altitude 700m above farmlands to the summit, 29 plots of 5000m² each were demarcated and the floristic inventory involved the recording of all tree and shrub individuals of at least 5cm dbh. Diversity indices and many structural parameters were calculated.
Important families and species were determined by calculating the family important and the species's important value indices. The Shannon diversity index dropped from 4.1 in the lower dried submontane zone to 2.2 in the transition to montane zone. The Pielou evenness was 0.8 in the transition between lowland and submontane zone and decreased to 0.6 in the transition to the montane zone. Some of the 11 important plant families are Euphorbiaceae, Guttiferae, Sterculiaceae and Meliaceae. Species A total of 198 species were recorded in the plots and five vegetation zones were discriminated. Amongst species with high IVI there are many Guttiferae (Allanblackia gabonensis Oliv., Garcinia lucida Vesque, G. smeathmannii (Planch. & Triana) N.Robson, Pentadesma grandifolia Bak. F.), and other like Santiria trimera (Oliv) Aubrév., Carapa oreophila Kenfack, Dacryodes klaineana (Pierre) H.J. Lam, and Cylicomorpha solmsii (Urb.)Urb. The distribution of stem individuals according to dbh indicates that large trees are not well represented. Since the forest on mount Kupe is stable, a situation favoring the presence of strict and narrow endemic species, the administration in charge of forestry must control encroachment in order to preserve this treasure. Full pdf articles available at-
J. Bio. Env. Sci. 14(1), 82-96, January 2019.
english language editing

Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences-JBES is an open-access scholarly research journal, published by International Network for Natural Sciences-INNSPUB. JBES published original scientific articles in different field of Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity. JBES published 2 Volume and 12 issue per calender year.