April 25, 2022

Nutrient supplementation using amino acid for growth and yield of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. | JBES 2021



Mr. Elizabeth H Madrid, Helen B Marzan, and Mr. Dominador S Nillo from the institute of the Silkworm R & D Section, Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, Sericulture Research and Development Institute, Bacnotan, La Union, Philippines, and Mr. Annellene M Badua from the College of Education, Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, North LaUnion Campus, Bacnotan La Union, Philippines, wrote a research paper entitled "Nutrient supplementation using amino acid for growth and yield of silkworm, Bombyx mori L." This paper were published by the Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences | JBES, on Volume 18, February issue 2021, under the publication of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSPUB

April 19, 2022

IJB Journals By INNSPUB | Journal Archive - April Issue 2022

April Issue 2022

Journal Name: International Journal of Biosciences | IJB

Content of the Issue

Proximate composition of some commercially available fish and poultry feeds sold in the market of Bangladesh

By: Md. Sabbir Hasan, Mahci Al Bashera, Farhana Jahan, Amin Hossain, Md. Waliullah, Md. Badrul Islam

Int. J. Biosci. 20(4), 1-8.

DOI: dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/20.4.1-8

Biological and phytochemical characterization of takermoust date syrup

By: Ymina Mimouni, Zahia Bayoussef , Oumelkheir Siboukeur

Int. J. Biosci. 20(4), 9-17.

DOI: dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/20.4.9-17

Efficacy of superabsorbent polymer on the stress condition of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)

By: Roje Marie A. Clemente

Int. J. Biosci. 20(4), 18-29.

DOI: dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/20.4.18-29

Identification of suitable integrated weed management approaches for effective weed control in dry direct-seeded basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.)

By: Amir Ehsan, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar, Amjad Ali

Int. J. Biosci. 20(4), 30-40.

DOI: dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/20.4.30-40

Effect of nettle manure on agronomic and biochemical parameters of green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

By: Lila Abidi, Nadia Tirchi, Adel Kadri

Int. J. Biosci. 20(4), 41-49.

DOI: dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/20.4.41-49

GC-MS based phytoconstituents profiling and phytochemical investigation of Annona muricata L.

By: H.S.Tambe, A.M. Bhosale, R.D. Borse, P.M. Dighe, S.L. Kakad

Int. J. Biosci. 20(4), 50-58.

DOI: dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/20.4.50-58

Evaluation of lowland rice (Oryza spp.) varieties for tolerance to flooding in freshwater and estuarine agro ecosystems in Delta State

By: E.U. Uwuigbe, S.O. Akparobi, F.O. Oroka

Int. J. Biosci. 20(4), 70-84.

DOI: dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/20.4.70-84

Nutrient uptake and yield of paddy cultivated under intensification with fish amino acid as liquid organic fertilizer

By: Riza Adrianoor Saputra, Nukhak Nufita Sari, Ririn Norsaleha

Int. J. Biosci. 20(4), 85-96.

DOI: dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/20.4.85-96

Antioxidant potential of the ethanol, ethyl acetate, and petroleum ether extracts of Kyllinga nemoralis

By: Aileen May G. Ang, Irish E. Uyangurin

Int. J. Biosci. 20(4), 59-69.

DOI: dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/20.4.59-69

Serum lipid stabilising effect of sarabat (Diplazium asperum Blume) aqueous extract in diet-induced hyperlipidemic wistar albino rats

By: Pablo M. Afidchao Jr., Michael B. Ples

Int. J. Biosci. 20(4), 97-105.

DOI: dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/20.4.97-105

Get the full issue by following the link Archive for | IJB |- April 2022

 Call for Papers 2022 | INNSPUB Journals

INNSPUB Journals invites all respected researchers to submit their research papers, review papers, short communication, etc. in the different fields of Natural Sciences and Life Sciences including Biology, Biodiversity, Environmental Science, Agronomy, Agricultural Research, Ecology, Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Oceanology, Oceanography, Hydrology, Plant Sciences, Animal Sciences, Fisheries, Genetics, Biochemistry, Plant Physiology, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Pathology, Cell Biology, Aquatic Biology, and Agricultural Sciences. 

April 13, 2022

Influence of fertilizers on incidence and severity of early blight and late blight potato diseases | IJB 2021

Mr. Ngoh Dooh Jules Patrice (First and Corresponding Authors ) and Mr. Boydoul Frederic Ulrich from the Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Maroua, PO Box 814 Maroua Cameroon, Mr. Nsimi Mva Armand, Research Fellow, from the IRAD Dibamba, Cameroon, PO Box, 243, Mr. Philippe Kosma from the Higher National Polytechnic School of Maroua, University of Maroua, PO Box 1450 Maroua and Mr. Ambang Zachee from the Laboratory of Biotechnologies, Phytopathology and Microbiology Unit, University of Yaounde I, PO Box, 812, Cameroon wrote a research paper entitled "Influence of fertilizers on incidence and severity of early blight and late blight potato diseases under field condition." This research paper published by the International Journal of Biosciences | IJB, in their January issue 2021, under the volume 18.


The potato (Solanum tuberosum) production in the Far North Region, Cameroon is confronted with, diseases and pests. To improve the production of this plant, a study was carried out in Mouvou and Gouria to evaluate the impact of fertilizers on the development of late blight and early blight diseases of this plant. The experimental design used was a completely randomized block with 4 treatments: Mycorrhizae (MYC), NPK (20-10-10) chemical fertilizers, chicken droppings (CD) and a control (T). The plant material used was a local variety of potato (Dosa). Disease incidence and severity and rainfall were evaluated. Area Under Disease Progress Curve was calculated. At 60 DAS, mean incidences recorded for fertilizers were 5.7, 3.6, 1.8 and 0.8 % respectively for control, MYC, NPK and CD. In general, early blight severity decreased from 22.1% at 45 DAS to 0.3 % at 60 DAS. The highest AUDPC value of late blight at Mouvou site was observed in NPK treatment while potato in CD treatment had the lowest. The lowest AUDPC value of early blight was observed in CD treatment at both sites. AUDSIPC value for late blight was significantly higher in NPK treatment in both sites. The highest value of AUDPSIC of early blight was recorded in MYC treatment, 45 DAS in both sites. The average rainfall was higher in the Gouria site (716.5mm) than in Mouvou site (679 mm). The CD treatment can be recommended to the farmers for the phytosanitary protection of potatoes.


The potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important food in many countries and is in the fourth place after the wheat, rice and corn crops. It is therefore the main non-cereal foodstuff in the world (FAO, 2013).World production was estimated at more than 368 million tonnes on 19.4 million hectares in 2013 (Issa et al., 2017). 

Originally from the highlands of Peru (Spooner et al.,2005), it was introduced to Africa during the colonial period (1884-1914). In Cameroon, potato is cultivated in areas of high altitudes, especially by small farmers (IRAD, 2012). Six of the ten regions are concerned, the North-West, the South-West, the West, Adamawa, the Littoral and the Far -North (Fontem et al., 2004). It constitutes a basic food for the populations of these regions and an important source of income because part of the production is either sold in the local market or exported to the neighboring countries. National production was estimated at 229 000 tonnes over 23 500 hectares in 2009 (IRAD, 2012). Thus, despite the importance of the potato in the national economy, total production remains below, yields are generally low (Njualem et al., 2001; Diop et al., 2019) and are between 3 and 11tonnes per hectare, while those of European countries are on average 25 tonnes per hectare ha and reach 60 tonnes per hectare (Sayed et al. 2015). 

In the Far North Cameroon Region, particularly in the Mogodé subdivision (Mayo-Tsanaga), the only and main production area, the low yields observed are associated with poor peasant farming practices (Ngoyi et al., 2020), the scarcity or inequality of the rains and especially to diseases and pests. 

Many diseases have been reported on potatoes in several countries (Alkher et al., 2015; Son et al., 2018) and in Cameroon (Fontem 2003; Fontem et al., 2004; Lontsi et al., 2019). Brown rot and Bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) of potato are the major bacterial diseases in potato production area (Kong et al., 2016; Charkowski, 2020). Whereas more than 50 different viruses and one viroid have been reported infecting potatoes worldwide only a handful of them cause major losses (10–40 %) globally (Chiunga and Valkonen, 2013). Late blight (Phytophthora infestans) and Alternaria or early blight (Alternaria spp) appear to be the major fungi diseases threatening the production of potato in the world with more than 80% of losses (Ah-Fong et al., 2017; Abuley and Nielsen 2017). 

Several solutions have been proposed to overcome these diseases production constraints and increase yield These include the use of varieties with high potential production, resistance to diseases and adaptation to the agro-ecological zone (IRAD, 2012) and the use of chemical fertilizers by farmers. However, these fertilizers when there are within the reach of farmers, there is a lack of control over their use. 

This practice can disrupt the environmental balance. On the other hand, diseases encountered in the fields are caused by some cultural practices that enhance the development, proliferation, or reduction of thepathogens responsible for diseases, as well as epidemiological parameters (Thurston, 1992; Tompkins et al., 1992; Reid et al., 2004). Organic amendments and composting can affect the inoculum which is the primary source of disease infestation in the field (Thurston, 1992). 

Otherwise, the addition of certain mineral and organic fertilizers can lead to the rapid development of plants, making them more or less susceptible to attack by pathogens (Thresh, 1982; Nawal et al., 2014; Abiodum et al., 2015). Despite the knowledge about the relationship between fertilizer application and disease expression, fertilizer application is adopted by farmers in Cameroon just to increase their crop yield. But, little information is available on the effect of this applied fertilizer on the incidence and severity of diseases of potato. Knowledge of host nutrition concerning disease development provides a basis for modifying current agricultural practices to reduce disease incidence and severity (Lepoivre, 2003). Checkout more by following the link Influence of fertilizers on incidence and severity of early blight and late blight potato diseases under field condition


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Gnamkoulamba A, Tounou AK, Tchao M, Tchabi A, Adjevi AKM, Batawila K. 2018. Evaluation au champ du potentiel de croissance et de la production du riz (Oryza Sativa L.) variété IR841 inoculé en pépinière par quatre souches de champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules. European Scientific Journal 14(12), 452-481


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Issa M, Ngakou A, Haouvang LC, Nukenine NE. 2017. Potentials of arbuscular mycorrhizafungi (AMF) and neem (AzadirachtaindicaA. Juss.) Leaves extract as biological Control agents against the sweet potato weevil (Cylas puncticollis Boch.) in two Agro-ecological zones of Cameroun. Journal of Experimental Agriculture Internation 17(1), 1-13.


Kariuki WG, Mungai NW, Otaye DO, Thuita M, Muema E, Korir H, Masso C. 2020. Antagonistic effects of biocontrol agents against Phytophthora infestans and growth stimulation in tomatoes. African Crop Science Journal (28), Issue Supplement, s1 p 55-70.


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Kong HG, Bae JY, Lee HJ, Joo HJ, Jung EJ, Chung E, Lee SW. 2014. Induction of the viable but nonculturable state of Ralstonia solanacearum by low temperature in the soil microcosm and its resuscitation by catalase. PLoS One 9(10), 109792.


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Lontsi SLD, Ambang Z, Djieto CL, Wouom BCC, Heu A, Pegalepo AN. 2019. Effect of aqueous extracts of Thevetia peruviana K. seeds on the control of late blight and pest insects of Solanum tuberosum L. in Cameroon. Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9(1), 14-22.


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