- Wanti Mindari1*, Purnomo Edi Sasongko2, Zaenal Kusuma3, Syekhfani3
- Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya, Malang Indonesia; and Faculty of Agriculture, University of Pembangunan Nasional, Surabaya, Indonesia
- Faculty of Agriculture, University of Pembangunan Nasional, Surabaya, Indonesia East Java, Indonesia
- Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

The result analysis of soil exchangeable Na+, K+, Ca++, and Mg++respectively was 0.8-1.94;
0.33-2.73; 16.32-20.4, 1.83-8.88 me.100g-1.The value of soil pH was 7.35- 7.55, EC value of soil was 0.64-1.83dS.m-1, and the content of organic-C was between 1.1-2,4,6 %..
The result of soil characterization was then crosschecked with the rice yield in saline soil by weighing dry rice grains per clump.
The rice yield was 3-4.1 ton.ha-1 and negatively correlated to the exchangeable values of Na, SAR, bulk density and dust content. It was positively correlated with organic-C, fertilizer, exchangeableof Ca++, Mg++, and K+, as well as soil’s CEC.
The ratio value of Ca:Mgnamely2.2-8.2, and K:Mgnamely0.18- 0.21 exceeded the limit of ideal value and caused low production.
The rice yield was negatively correlated with the content of exchangeableNa+, values of pH and EC. It achieved more than 4 ton.ha-1when added with 300-450 g.plant-1 of organic materials and 1.0-1.3 g.plant-1 of NPK.
FULL ARTICLE AVAILABLE AT: Volume 6, Number 1, January 2015 – IJAAR
JOURNAL NAME: International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR)
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