February 23, 2016

Estimating stored carbon stock in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) plantation by age group in PT daria dharma pratama plantation Bengkulu Indonesia - IJJAR

By: Yuliyanto, Dede Setiadi, Sulistijorini
Key Words: Carbon biomass, Oil palm plantation, PT DDP.
Int. J. Agr. Agri. Res. 8(1), 81-86, January 2016.
The increasing concentration of carbon in the atmosphere is a serious environmental problem that can affect living system on earth. The increase in greenhouse gas emissions caused global warming that will affect the world climate change and rising sea levels. Climate change will disrupt farming system in both the micro and macro scale.

Estimation of forest carbon emissions is one of the important efforts to reduce climate change. Land clearing for palm oil plantations will affect the stored carbon in the forest reserves. The aim of this study is to determine the biomass stored carbon stocks in oil palm plantations by age group in oil palm plantations in PT Daria Dharma Pratama (PT DDP), Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. Methods of measuring the stored carbon stock of palm oil biomass using allometric equations, is non-destructive method.

Methods of measuring the stored carbon stock of undergrowth biomass and piled of oil palm fronds up was conducted by destructive methods. The largest biomass stored carbon stock was in the age group of 11-15 years crop of 69.32 tonnes ha-1. Then, in the age group of 16-20 years were 54.13 tonnes ha-1, age group of >20 years were 34.91 tonnes ha-1, the age group of 6-10 years were 34.16 tonnes ha-1, and the age group 0 – 5 year were 6.98 tonnes ha-1, respectively. Stored carbon stock in oil palm was influenced by the age of the plant, soil fertility, as well as plant growth and development. Get the full articles at: http://bit.ly/21caZbF
Journal Name: International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR)
Publisher Name: International Network For Natural Sciences (INNSPUB)

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Source: International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research @2015  Journal of agronomy