June 22, 2019

Inheritance of soybean resistance to soybean rust in Uganda’s soybean germplasm | IJAAR

By: Hailay Mehari Gebremedhn, Miesho Belay Weldekidan, Ulemu Mercy Msiska, Fentaw Abate Asmamaw, Thomas Lapaka Odong, Phinehas Tukamuhabwa, Patrick Rubaihayo

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"" IJAAR welcome all of you to submit your research paper for publication in the field of Agriculture, Agronomy, Horticulture etc. Please submit your manuscripts via Online submission panel.""
Understanding the genetic mechanisms of soybean rust resistance is important for effective selection and breeding procedures. This study was hence conducted to determine the combining ability and gene action controlling soybean rust using a 10×10 half diallel mating design. The F2 segregating populations along with their parents were evaluated for rust severity and sporulation level at two reproductive stages (R4 and R6) in screen house and field conditions during the second season of 2016 and first season of 2017 at MUARIK using an alpha lattice design replicated thrice. Significant differences were observed among the parents and F2 generations for both disease severity and sporulation level. General and specific combining abilities were highly significant. The GCA/SCA ratio (1.50-2.30) and the Baker’s ratio (0.75-0.82) showed the predominance of additive gene action in the inheritance of soybean rust resistance. The broad-sense (0.94-0.99) and narrow-sense (0.73-0.82) heritability estimates indicated the possibility of improving resistance to soybean rust through selection in the early generations. UG 5, Maksoy 3N, Maksoy 4N and Maksoy 5N had negative GCA effects. The F2 populations derived from these parents crossed with Wonder soya and Nam 2 had also negative SCA effects. The use of these parents and F2 populations can, therefore, increase the response to selection for improving resistance to soybean rust.

english language editing

International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research - IJAAR is an open-access scholarly research journal, published by International Network for Natural Sciences. IJAAR publishes original scientific research articles in the field of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences. IJAAR published 2 Volume and 12 issue per the calendar year.

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